International Workshop

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Having compiled DE material on a national level, representatives of all national TAGs will come together in a five-day international workshop in Vilnius (LT), forming the International TAG of the project (ITAG). The objectives of this workshop are to review the compiled material of the four national TAGs; to facilitate exchange of experience and best practices in working with the collected material among teachers of the four partner countries, as well as a teacher delegation from Bulgaria; and to create the basis for a European Depository of DE educational material. In working groups, teachers/educators will discuss different approaches to include DE in lessons and school curricula, and will exchange best practices with the gathered material. Experts from DEEEP, as well as from selected Development NGOS with a long history in DE will be invited to share their approaches, to provide material and to stimulate teachers in using varieties of DE material in their schools. The workshop will allow for a cross-country review of DE material, for sharing practices, experiences, concrete ideas, but will also allow for the creation of a close network among teachers/ educators in the five present countries and the ‘expert’ NGOs and DEEEP. This network will enable closer collaboration between the teachers in the different European countries; and it will facilitate further exchange of ideas, practices and material, and will add a European dimension to the local work in schools.


  • The formation of the ITAG, acting as a European link between teachers in the project partner countries;
  • Wide collection of existing DE material, reviewed by the ITAG I their working groups;
  • A close working network of Scottish, Irish, Lithuanian, Cypriot and Bulgarian teachers and educators, as well as European Development NGOs and DEEEP representatives.

Role of partners

The Lithuanian partner will be responsible for the organisation of the international workshop, including the logistics, the invitation of NGDO and DEEEP experts, and the reporting and documentation of the workshop and its results. All partners will be responsible to identify 4 representatives of the national TAG to attend the international workshop, as well as to support the overall organisation of the event and facilitate working groups if needed.